About the White Matter Rounds Network

We are a multidisciplinary network of physicians and scientists from around the globe
discussing challenging or atypical clinical cases with rare or atypical white matter disorders.

What are the
White Matter
Rounds ?

The White Matter Rounds Network is a professional network and community focused on the study and understanding of atypical and rare white matter disorders.

It provides a platform for clinicians, researchers, and professionals in the neuroscience community to share knowledge, ideas, and research findings on rare and atypical white matter diseases. The Network organizes online monthly case discussions and seminars where white matter experts share their research findings and discuss emerging trends related to white matter diseases. The Network also leads collaborative projects and offers resources, such as research papers, datasets, and tools, to support the white matter diseases research community.

How it
all started

Launched in 2013 by Dr. La Piana at the Neuro, the WM Rounds were initially local monthly meetings between MS specialists, radiologists, and geneticists to discuss clinical cases of rare white matter disorders that could be amenable for genetic testing. The WM Rounds rapidly attracted the interest of other clinicians and scientists and they are now broadcast to more than 15 centers in North and South America, Europe, and the Middle East. The transition from monthly meetings into a formal network has been the natural evolution of the WM Rounds.

Mission and objectives

Provide a discussion and collaborative platform to facilitate the sharing and advancing of knowledge about rare white matter disorders. Our goal is to accelerate and increase the diagnostic yield of patients, reduce the risk of misdiagnosis, and provide the basis for joint research studies.


Who can join?

Members are mainly experts on genetic white matter disorders or multiple sclerosis. This allows for collective discussions on complex patient cases, sharing of experience and knowledge, improvement of patient workups and diagnoses, and designing of future research studies.


Why join the Network?

The WM Rounds Network offers unique opportunities for clinicians, researchers and professionals interested in white matter diseases:

  • Participation to monthly case discussions
  • Working together in collaborative projects on rare and atypical white matter disorders
  • Access all resources available to members, including clinical and imaging datasets from rare white matter disorders
Roberta Quote

The White Matter Rounds Network opens doors to unprecedented collaborative opportunities in the field of neuroscience.

Roberta La Piana, MD, PhD

Assistant Professor, Department of Neurology & Neurosurgery
The Neuro